Late Roman Bronze Coinage: An attribution guide for poorly preserved coins by Guido Bruck
Late Roman Bronze Coinage: An attribution guide for poorly preserved coins by Guido Bruck PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In the course of the fourth century, millions of bronze coins were struck in the Roman Empire: an area extending from modern Britain to Egypt. The iconography present in these modest remnants of a distant past provides a fascinating insight into the realities, hopes and desires not only of the common people, but also of those who ruled over them. It is possible to identify with a remarkable degree of precision where, when and by whom coins of this period were struck. Traditional numismatic works rely heavily on a textual description and assume that one has a perfectly preserved specimen. Perhaps unsurprisingly, given their age, the majority of coins encountered are worn or incomplete, making identification difficult. However, as demonstrated by this work, a closer study of their composition and iconography yields more than enough information to identify all but the most poorly preserved specimens. Translation of Die spätrömische Kupferprägung - Ein Bestimmungsbuch für schlecht erhaltene Münzen (1961).From reader reviews:
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