30 Day Writing Workout: Write your story in 30 days using the 12 Minutes A Day program by Renee Settle
30 Day Writing Workout: Write your story in 30 days using the 12 Minutes A Day program by Renee Settle PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This workbook will take you through 30 days of writing, using the 12 Minutes A Day Method. Your knowledge and experience is unique in this world. It NEEDS to be read. Let me help you. At the end of the 30 days you will: * Feel more confidence in yourself * be able to see and touch the reality of your story. (it's written on the page.) * Know peace of mind that your legacy is secure because you've left a written record for your children and their children. * Know yourself and be comfortable with who you are. My experience has taught me that frustration, fear, and perfectionism lead to quitting. These roadblocks can be easily overcome with the right tools and the right questions asked. If you don't think you can write your story, let's talk. I KNOW you can. 100% of my client say, "Because of your program, my life has changed for the better." So I know this method works! You can't go wrong, if you follow this method! Let's get your book written.From reader reviews:
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