Space Vehicle Design Criteria Archive: 1964-1979 (Library of Flight)
Space Vehicle Design Criteria Archive: 1964-1979 (Library of Flight) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The AIAA Space Transportation Technical Committee is pleased to present this archive of the NASA Space Vehicle Design Criteria project that was conducted in the late 1960s through the early 1970s. It was originally conducted in a time frame when the manned Mercury and Gemini space flight programs had been completed, the Apollo program was nearing its end, and the Space Shuttle program that was to be the prime focus of NASA space transportation system was in its infancy. Satellites had been launched and recovered for over ten years and the great interplanetary voyages had been begun. This wide ranging series of monographs was originally developed to provide a uniform basis for the design of flightworthy space vehicles. They summarized the significant experience and knowledge that had been accumulated in research, development, and operational programs by that time. They were intended to be used as guidelines, not requirements, in space vehicle design and development. The documents are divided into four categories: Chemical Propulsion (35 documents); Environment (26 documents); Guidance and Control (21 documents); and, Structures (46 documents). Each monograph summarizes the then state of the art in design practices and identifies important aspects of the state of technology for the particular subject being assessed. Each go on to state what rules, guides, or limitations must be imposed to ensure flightworthiness - these criteria could then serve as a checklist for guiding a design or assessing its adequacy. Now, more than thirty years from the original project's work, these monographs provide a unique historical introspection of the broad state of the art in space vehicle design of that time. While the technology in nearly every field has advanced many fold, the actual physics behind each topic has not changed. By applying uniform criteria across the board to the new systems that must be developed over the next years, those systems can be made more reliable and resilient in their journeys though space to wherever mankind's imagination leads us in the future.From reader reviews:
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